The Modern CEO



The Modern CEO Implementation Incubator is where business owners get in action on the right things and go from hot mess express to cool as a cucumber and level-10 confident in your plans for growth and scale.

Amber McCue

Business Growth Strategist

Let me ask you something...

Is your business more like a slot machine or an ATM?

If it’s like a slot machine, it’s unpredictable. You never know what you’re going to get. When you pull the handle, do you know how much money will come out?

It’s a risky business to operate this way, especially when you’re relying on the income. You may even have a team to pay.

If your business is like an ATM, it’s predictable. You know what you put in and what you can take out.

Growing a business is actually pretty predictable. The problem is, most entrepreneurs are reinventing the wheel.

Are you nodding your head yes?

Your promotion to The Modern CEO is Right on Time.

You started this business for 3 reasons: first for freedom, then for impact, and of course, there’s nothing like writing your own paycheck.

You have way less than you want of all three.
Is this you?

👉 You’ve read the books, listened to the gurus, and invested lots of time and money into your business but something still isn’t clicking. The puzzle pieces aren’t fitting together.

👉 You’re working crazy hours but you don’t have the results to make it feel worth the sacrifice. Growth feels elusive or suffocating. Either way, you’re in resistance

👉 The marketing feels overwhelming. The operations feel ad-hoc. The lead gen is inconsistent. The offers need revising. The whole thing feels too shaky to scale with confidence.

👉 You have a stockpile of courses, programs, and shiny objects to feel guilty about but you still don’t feel grounded in your vision with a cohesive growth plan and you are not taking the action you need to get.

👉 You have all the ideas but you still aren’t sure you are taking the right action steps to get results

When is all this knowledge going to generate measurable results?!

Hint: when you join The Modern CEO 😉

Bottom Line: You’re a genius at what you do but no one ever gave you a playbook on how to run a business
(until now).

Something needs to change ASAP before you lose your mind & the passion fizzles.

Are you feeling joyful, peaceful, and focused, with plenty of time to enjoy life and a plan to hit your goals? Not really?


you aren’t alone in feeling this way.

So many business owners are stuck wondering what the right next move is.

Sounds dreamy, right?

But...It’s not a dream! I have the clients to prove it.


One that isn’t built around content you don’t need – I believe you already have all the ideas you need, instead built around action and the accountability you need more than anything.

The Modern CEO is for entrepreneurs and business owners who turn their goals into results now without working 24/7.


I launched my course, wrote four books, and started my YouTube channel which now has over 50k subscribers while in The Modern CEO.”


I learned everything I needed in terms of knowledge and skills to keep my 21st century business moving forward”


“Becoming a Modern CEO helped me create more consistency and a schedule that worked for me.”

Ready to Build a Joyful, Profitable Business that Runs as Smooth-as-Butter?

Then we have to address four areas most programs and courses miss:

Other programs and endless free content have given you the individual pieces of the puzzle but there’s nothing out there that shows you how to:

  • Build the Business You Actually Want: A 12-month journey designed to give your business the time it needs to evolve and grow, avoiding the chase for overnight success.
  • Run Your Business without the Overwhelm: Tailored guidance so that you know exactly what to work on each day, while you measure and plan for what matters, hold your team accountable, and stay focused all year long.
  • Ensure Consistent Accountability: Weekly Focus Finders and strategic checkpoints to maintain focus and prevent distractions all year long.
  • Accomplish Focused Implementation: Your goals become reality in the  year ahead, with every part of The Modern CEO geared towards taking action and making progress.”

In the Moden CEO, you will quickly see how to put all the puzzle pieces together to reach your goals.

More importantly, you’ll learn how to operate like a Modern CEO – one who knows what to focus on to create reliable and predictable income in an ever-changing world, without ever sacrificing your freedom or joy.

Here are some examples of what Modern CEOs have achieved with Amber by their side…

👉 Author Sarra launched her course, wrote four books, and started a YouTube channel which now has over 70k subscribers while in The Modern CEO

👉 Jenna grew her revenue by 560% in just 4 months

👉 Kate went from being a stressed-out solopreneur to the CEO of a thriving micro agency, doubling her income, multiplying her impact, and paving the way for laptop-free holidays

👉 Jenny grew her list from 0 to 13,000+ and made $60,000 in her first year of business.

👉  Ecomm expert Elle swapped her hectic 80 hour weeks for 30 hour one WITHOUT sacrificing her revenue and personal income (and saving her marriage in the process)

👉 Amy cured her case of shiny object syndrome and got her second business off the ground

👉 Elizabeth continued to publish book after book and used that momentum to launch a successful online program

👉 Strategist Jenny created more consistency and a schedule that worked for her life.

👉 Kayla started taking action and being intentional and now has clarity on what she’s working towards and a plan of action that will help her get there

👉 Melissa learned everything she needed in terms of knowledge and skills to keep her modern health education business moving forward

No matter what kind of business you’re building or which goals you’re chasing, you need to become The Modern CEO.


Going in circles is a thing of the past !

The trouble with most entrepreneurs is that they’re stuck in a reactive mode.

❌ the reactive ceo

Shiny object syndrome
 Revenue rollercoaster
Stressful, rolling to-do list
Has to work in the business to earn revenue
Client experience is an afterthought

✅ the modern ceo

  Cohesive marketing plan
  Revenue is planned and consistent
  Doable quarterly, monthly, and weekly plan
Has time to enjoy life too
Five-star client experience is a cornerstone

I am very happy

I have grown my email list to over 4,000 subscribers. I am generating online sales. I have launched my Math Intervention Academy. I met my enrollment goal every time. I have become a person people reach out to to collaborate with and invite to speak at conferences. My life is very different as a Modern CEO and I could not be more happy.

Michelle, Educator

Her insight is spot on!

Amber is the type of person who calmly looks at any situation and immediately assesses how to fix it. Not only is her insight spot-on, and her empathy palpable, her brain works in the constant mode of asking, “How can I make this better?” As a result, she empowers entrepreneurs to feel confident as they up-level their businesses…and find joy along the way.

Jasmine Star, photographer, business strategist


We have customized pathways that are perfect for where you are right now
– in this moment. Remember, you’re always right on time.


No sales yet (or just a couple to friends and family). This level is truly you if you are just starting out.


Solid product or services offer in place,
sales are coming in (even if slowly), still
ramping up and flying by the seat of
your pants!


You now have consistent sales (or a
model to consistently get sales if you
have a launch business model). You
may be beginning to see the value in
bringing on a team so you can scale.


You have a great business and a great
team in place. Now, the big
question…How do you lead and what’s
your role in all of this?

How will you become a Modern CEO?


The Modern CEO


I’m literally handing you the keys to getting more of the RIGHT stuff done,
in less time than you EVER thought possible,
without any of the confusing twists and turns you’ve been facing until now.

Already know The Modern CEO is for you?

Maybe you're thinking

Amber, this sounds awesome.


Running a business today is more stressful than ever. 

As someone who has built a multi-seven-figure business and as a business growth strategist, I’ve helped thousands of businesses create sustainable business growth, increase their revenue, and attract a steady flow of dream clients by getting in action on the right things.

After all of that, here’s what I know: you don’t have to hustle, hustle, hustle, sell your soul, and skip out on life’s best moments to have a joyful, profitable business.

You have to get in action on the right things (not all the things) and show up like the Modern CEO. If you focus on this change, you will get the results.

Say Goodbye to Chaos, Hello to Profits with The Modern CEO

Let’s be clear. THE MODERN CEO is NOT a course.

(So if you’re a self-confessed course-collector, you’re in the right place.)

It’s a personalized experience with a laser-sharp focus on implementation.

And it’s all purposely designed to give you the support and accountability you need to see things through and get results on repeat.



Your unique goals, your unique strategy.

We’ll work together to figure out exactly what you should be doing and HOW to grow your business from where it is now to where you want it to be.

I’m not here to walk you through another cookie-cutter system or give you another step-by-step process that gets you no closer to your unique business goals. We start with your goals and build YOUR strategy from there.

You’ll get exactly what YOU need to succeed. Nothing more. Nothing less.


You aren’t left to implement alone! Not even for a second.

We have a Focus For Results framework that we go through together to ensure you take close to your plans and finally see them through.

I’ll lovingly raise my hand when I see something is misaligned (or you come down with a case of shiny object syndrome) and identify your next move with you when you’re stuck or your momentum has stalled because you’re not sure which action to focus on next.


While we do have resources to share with you, our #1 focus in The Modern CEO is exactly what it takes to reach your specific goals.

We want you to turn your goals into accomplishments this year. And we do everything we possibly can to support you in that.

You already have the information. You know you do! Now it’s time for implementation. Which means you’re right on time to join The Modern CEO Implemented and get your business ball rockin’ and rollin’ without sacrificing all your precious time on the wrong things.


Do we want a line here like the others?

So many people stall out or stop before they taste success because they’re expecting a total change overnight. Despite what the internet might have us believe, overnight successes don’t exist!

The Modern CEO was designed as a year-long experience so you have the time to implement, make smart changes as your business evolves, and see long-term growth and improvement. That doesn’t mean you get to procrastinate though. No way! See focus #2 again. 😉


Listen to How The Modern CEO Gets Results


Modern CEO

“Profitable monthly income with bonuses!”


Modern CEO

“My life is very different as a Modern CEO and I could not be more happy.”


Modern CEO

“Being a Modern CEO has brought me the financial freedom and life I wanted in a very short amount of time.”

THE MODERN CEO works because:

1) We are doing real business strategy and implementation.

2) You get direct access to Amber to get your questions answered personally.

If you have thought about working with Amber McCue, DO IT! She has been my support, my rock and the huge activator I needed to change what wasn’t working in my business… She is on my metaphorical speed dial, ya’ll.



"What a difference. Amber made me take my business seriously."

After only 4 months, I’ve seen a 2,300% increase in website traffic since I started working with Amber and a 560% increase in sales. What a difference!”

Jenna Drew

"I've increased my revenue"

Amber’s approach helps you make sense of chaos and keeps you focused on bigger goals. Since working with Amber, I’ve increased my current revenue and got my second business off the ground. I’m attuned to the forward movement in my companies and ready for the future.

aimey bryan

"My company has grown by more than 10x"

Amber taught me how to get more done in less time.

Shay Hrobsky


Go directly to SCALE. You will not regret it.



My priority is you getting the results you want in your business.

You can’t get results without action.

Personalized, action oriented, focused support differentiates the Modern CEO Implementation Incubator from any other online program.

Together, we’ll work through this proven framework that is designed to bring your plans to life by focusing on the right things – not all the things – with recalibration checkpoints all year long.

There is so much information available on the internet and through other courses you have purchased.

In fact you may have taken so many courses you can’t even count them. It’s good information – no shame or judgment there! But here is the thing –

You don’t need more information. I know this. You are a smart cookie!! 

Not getting results is not simply a know-how problem.

We have to show up in a completely different way to get the results you want. Lead your business with a different set of tools and big picture strategy than a struggling business owner.

In The Modern CEO Implementation Incubator, I personally show up for you and guide your transformation.


Stay accountable and focused on the right things with our strategic touchpoints:

Get clear on where you are going and how you will get there with a bold plan and clarity that  inspire and drive you to results.

Mastermind and recalibrate your plans every quarter to ensure you are still focused on the right things and your next 90 day plan is ready to go!

Stay close to your plans and always know what your next move is through our guided Monthly Game Plan sessions. 

Regular check-ins, reflection on your progress to goals, and refocusing help ensure you stay on track all year long, especially week-by-week as distractions try to steal your focus. Amber personally reviews this throughout the year to stay in the know on what you are doing so she can support you.


We know that there will be obstacles and roadblocks that pop up as you implement. We’ll be there to support you real time all year long so you can keep things moving in the right direction.

Join these sessions as implementation time or come to ask questions and strategize on your project.

Message Amber privately an unlimited amount of times and get direct feedback via The Hotline. We know business happens real time and the challenges that come up can’t always wait until the next group session.

Need expertise in something specific in your business? Or have a money mindset block to clear? Our Mentors are available for you to book a call with and to talk one-on-one about your challenge. These calls make The Modern CEO truly unique. You get real, direct access to experts. We are really doing business together here.


When you show up in your business, you will start to see results. When you show up inside The Modern CEO you’ll rack up points and sweet rewards here too!

Received points for taking strategic, focused action in your business. Earn points for lots of wins – big and small. From hitting your goals to doing a little Modern CEO self-care. We love to shower you with points for doing what you need to do!

Every point you earn is an entry to win monthly rewards from being featured in an email to my community to cash gift cards or tech for your biz or something to spoil yourself and one-on-one strategy sessions with Amber. Get ready to win big! 

Backpocket TLC Expert Mentors


Online Advertising and Digital Marketing Strategists


Facebook Ads Expert


Energy Leadership and Imposter Syndrome Coach


Content Strategist


Tech and Digital Marketing Expert


Team, HR, and Hiring Expert


Manychat Expert


Systems and Automations Expert


Sales Strategy Expert

We connect LIVE throughout
The Modern CEO experience.

Accept your promotion and be the The Modern CEO your business needs today.


High-touch consulting and training program for CEOs ready to increase their revenue & results. Save when you Pay in Full.

$ 220
x 12 Months USD
  • The Entire Modern CEO Collection that includes 9 modules in the areas of: CEO Systems, Sales Systems, Client Systems, Client Success Systems ($1,800)
  • 2 Modern CEO Virtual Retreats with Amber (Dec 2024 + June 2025) ($2,400)
  • 2 Quarterly Strategy Sessions to plan for Strategic Growth to keep our eye on the vision ($1,200)
  • 12 Monthly CEO Game Plan Calls ($800)
  • 12 Live Interactive Group Consulting Calls with Monthly Scale Open Studio Calls ($1,200)
  • CEO Focus Finder / Weekly Focus & Prioritization ($1,200)
  • Bonus Material valued over $4,020 -
    See list below


An immersive experience for businesses that need strategic collaboration and accountability to implement and increase results and revenue. Save when you Pay in Full.
$ 460
x 12 Months USD
    The Modern CEO Grow Plus....
  • 12 Additional (24 total) Live Interactive Group Consulting Calls with Monthly Scale Only Open Studio Calls ($1,200)
  • Unlimited One-on-One Consulting with Amber via The Hotline ($4,500)
  • 2 Mentor Calls Backpocket TLCs (one-on-ones) ($1,000)
  • Bonus Material valued over $4,020 -
    See list below
includes grow

Over $4,020 in bonuses when you sign up today!

If you are a multi-six or seven figure business owner looking for an intimate mastermind group, we will be opening our Accelerate mastermind soon. Book a call to learn more here.


Before I became a Modern CEO I was like the wacky waving inflatable tube guy. I had zero structure or sense on how to even run a business… I just lived in pure chaos flailing around, not even knowing where my next dollar was coming from. Enter Amber. I now have my “business ish” together. I have kickass offers that bank, and a complete system on securing and retaining clients (cha-ching!). I have Amber to thank for over 200k in revenue. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I have Amber to thank for over $200k in revenue.

katrina hubbard

dive deeper into your modern ceo zone with these business amplifiers:

high value bonuses

kelsey chapman

Author, Podcaster, Business Mentor, Modern CEO 

Additional Hotline Plus Bonus Calls.
Join Scale today to get UNLIMITED Hotline access during The Modern CEO.


Join Scale, and submit Unlimited Hotline questions during The Modern CEO live experience. With this bonus, submit additional questions to The Hotline to be answered directly by Amber as needed over the next twelve months. We know questions come up when you get in action. We want to be here for you to answer them when you need it most. Use it as needed like your own personal batline.

($4,500 value)



Aka “The Playbook.” Your personalized business Playbook that tells you exactly what to do when in your business and why. You will build this step by step as we move through The Modern CEO together.

($1,200 value)



With your $1M Marketing Plan in hand there will always be a method to the madness and you’ll know why and how you got results so you can do it again and again. You’ll also be equipped to change strategies when trends change and what used to work stops working.

($600 value)


Accelerate revenues with offers that sell.

You’ll have identified your sales and marketing system of choice and you’ll be ready to generate sales on repeat. To grow and scale your business quickly, I invite you to focus on “The One” strategy we discuss here.

($600 value)

shay hrobsky

Business & Life Strategist


Learn exactly how to design a truly scalable business model.

You’ll understand what it really means to scale and you’ll be able to design a truly scalable business model that delivers five star client experiences.

($600 value)


Focus on the right things at the right time

All the moving parts of running a business will be easier to naviate with you get your CEO Systems in place:

($600 value)

You are right on time.


This advanced case study takes you step-by-step through what my businesses did to grow from zero to more than $1M in revenue. It includes screenshots of the details, and it will make it crystal clear what you need to be doing to accelerate your growth too.

($120 value)


This advanced case study takes you step-by-step through what my businesses did to grow from zero to more than $1M in revenue. It includes screenshots of the details, and it will make it crystal clear what you need to be doing to accelerate your growth too.

($120 value)

You are right on time.



In How to Clone Yourself we’ll break down the system creation and hiring processes I have used to make hundreds of successful hires. Yes, there’s a right way to hire! We’ve got you covered when you are ready. We’ll even help you figure out WHO to hire and WHAT to build systems for first.

($1200 value)

Implement your $1M Marketing plan with these plug and play BONUSES


10K Challenge Kit

Run your own Planathon like event (but simpler). We can tie more than $1M in sales back to challenges. We’ll share all of our strategies, templates, emails, and lists with you.

($300 value)

Host High Converting Virtual Retreats

Virtual events are not going away. We’ll show you how to host virtual retreats for your clients or for your future clients – Virtual retreats can achieve incredible 20%+ conversion and sales for your business – we’ll show you how!

($300 value)

Start a Podcast Implementation Kit

The resources + tools you need to start a podcast to build trust with your community.

($300 value)

Sell on Social

Social media is great, here’s how to use it to engage with ideal clients and generate revenue.

($300 value)

Webinar Essentials

Webinars are a vital part of your toolbox. We’ll walk you through how to create and execute a webinar that simply works.

($300 value)

Start Taking Action Now

I’m literally handing you the keys to getting more of the RIGHT stuff done, in less time than you EVER thought possible, without any of the confusing twists and turns you’ve been facing until now.

Amber McCue

Risk-Free, 3 Day Win-Win Guarantee


The Modern CEO is the most wholistic, personalized, hands-on experience for ambitious, motivated entrepreneurs who are tired of just getting by and who know there is a better way to do business.

After more than 10 years consulting with small businesses and working with thousands of business owners, I am certain that what we are sharing in The Modern CEO will move your business forward.

When you join, you’ll get immediate access to program materials, we’ll start collaborating right away. We go all in and it’s high-touch. I show up for you. 

If after joining us and attending the onboarding calls you find The Modern CEO isn’t right for you, right now, simply reach out, share with us why, and we’ll refund your money within 3 days of you joining the program.

We only want Modern CEOs in the program who will benefit from it and show up to get results. 

It’s a win-win. 

Join now, start putting your plans in motion, and make progress toward your goals. If you do not feel totally confident in your next steps, we’ll refund your full investment within the first 3 days of enrollment. Get the full details here.

Business Growth Strategist

Our coaching relationship lead me to a $200k jump in profit.

a $200k Jump in profit

Alix Bryant

"Amber is the most amazing!"

Amber is the most amazing mentor ever. Before I started withing with her, I had a vision for my business, but I wasn’t sure how to get there. With Amber’s guidance and the support of this incredible community, that vision has come to life. And this is just the beginning. Now, I’m building out my team to scale even more, all while spending more time with my family.


"I am more focused than ever"

I am focused on what I truly enjoy. Gradually I am building my business after struggling through the pandemic year. I am doing it all in a way that is aligned to me, my values and who I am.


Before I was a Modern CEO, I was burnt-out… After I joined the Modern CEO way of thinking, my business and life changed. I work with less clients and make more money.

I work with less clients and make more money.


the modern ceo is for you

You got into this business to be free. You got into this to create a beautiful life with the space and security to enjoy the precious moments. You got into this to make big, splashy marks across every pink sky in your industry.

Your business should fuel you. It should excite you. 

The Modern CEO will help you get back to that in 5 ways:

  1. Your business won’t feel duct-taped together anymore. It will be designed to succeed.
  2. You won’t feel like you’re constantly playing a guessing game for growth. You’ll be able to plan and predict your growth with reliable business strategies that work.
  3. You won’t be operating from FOMO and shiny object syndrome. You’ll choose right-for-you strategies that align with your strategic priorities.
  4. You won’t feel hurried, rushed, and overwhelmed by doing all the things. You’ll do less with more focus on the right things and feel the freedom you sought after in the first place!
  5. You won’t just take the tiny baby steps for growth. You’ll be scaling your efforts and taking the big steps too!

The Modern CEO will show you how to build, grow, and scale a profitable business all the way to $1,000,000 and beyond!

more bonuses?!

Join before 2 pm US Eastern on May 9 to attend the first fast track business planning session.


Shay Hrobsky is a genius at getting affordable leads! Her FB Ads training breaks down how to do it.

($297 value)

Modern CEO



i would not trade this with *anything*.

zoe pollard

Let's Sum it up

Here's Everything You'll get with Freshly Implemented

The Fresh Experience

From regular group calls, implementation workshops, coworking time, masterminding and level of personal support we give you, we consistently hear that the Freshly Implemented experience is worth as much as a high end mastermind. Choose the CEO, VIP, or Accelerate level based on what you need in your business right now. What matters is that you join us if you are ready to get in community and get in action.


$27,288 - $37,288 Total Fresh Value

(if a la carte or compared to cost of other mastermind experiences)

Total Freshly Implemented Investment Starts at $3500 (or $299/month)

That's Over $33,000 in Value When You Sign Up Today

Ready to snag all of these bonuses?

...And my personal phone number for on the fly support?

Yeah, I am!

More Results!


“I am doing it in a way that is aligned to me, my values, and who I am.”


“I have seen the growth in me and consequently my business, which is the best thing ever.”


“I have built a rhythm of rest that I look forward to in my day week and year.”

"The Modern CEO came at the perfect time for me, in my current season of life and business."

With Modern CEO, I got my groove back. Running a business with significant changes and becoming a new mother made it challenging to prioritize and focus on work. I have an entire list of the values I have experienced so far, but the one that surprised me the most was the Hotline to Amber. It’s vital to have someone in your corner to help you process and discover new ways forward when you’re in the weeds. With Amber, you’ll feel like you have a business partner/advisor that you can call anytime. Lastly, having a group of other Modern CEOs to mastermind with each month is valuable in and of itself.


"You want the McCue Magic"

I’d launched a program I was seriously excited about within days, and within hours I’d sold five spaces. Seriously… I can’t recommend the McCue Magic enough!


"She instills the CEO Mindset"

I had never approached my business as a CEO. Working with Amber this past year, especially this last crazy year that we had, it really has helped instill in me that CEO mindset. I have seen the growth that has happened in me and consequently in my business which is the best thing ever.




Your roi

Because smart investments are one of the building blocks of successful business.

Your ROI matters to me. Your ROI is going to be dependent on what you do and how you show up with the information in The Modern CEO.

What I can guarantee is:

I am going to meet you there and support you. The information I am sharing in The Modern CEO is what I have learned in 20 years of doing business and growing two successful businesses, along with helping thousands of other small business owners amplify their growth.

What are your business + Life goals?


There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to business and no hard and fast model of success. But I do know that when your business runs better it means a better life.

Are you ready to grow?


You’ll want to carve out a few hours every week to dive into The Modern CEO. But remember, this isn’t about taking in information and not applying it. These hours you spend will be implementation time on your business, The Modern CEO supports what you are already doing and makes it better. Hop in our live calls to ask questions as you implement and strategize. I want you to have all the info you need to actually get in action. Not just take in more information. 😉

Our calls are hosted mostly on Thursdays at 11 AM US Eastern Time

The Modern CEO starts as soon as you enroll! You’ll be able to log in and have access to everything right away as well as save the Modern CEO calendar to your calendar app of choice.

One of the reasons you might not have a lot of time right now could be that you’re caught up in the cycle of DOING ALL THE THINGS. If that’s the case, joining The Modern CEO will actually help you create more time in your life while supporting you to get more done. With this in mind, I’d encourage you to seriously think about joining now, so you can get closer to your dreams (including the dream of time freedom!) with the support you need.

Spaces are not limited, however, The Modern CEO is a community of hundreds, not thousands, of people so you’ll get direct feedback.

If you are a multi-six to seven figure business owner looking for a more intimate community, consider joining us in Accelerate. Spaces are limited in our Accelerate program because of the unique mastermind experience we are creating. Limiting enrollment ensures our community is tight-knit and collaborative. Express your interest in that program here.

It depends on the experience you select. In the overall The Modern CEO enrollment we have hundreds – not thousands of people in our community at any given time, to ensure we can serve you fully.

Yes! That’s the beauty of this hybrid experience. I absolutely love going deep into your business. It is me, Amber, who answers your questions on The Hotline we have created exclusively for Modern CEOs. It’s a “phone-a-friend” lifeline of sorts. Because business happens real time and when you need someone to strategize or problem solve with, you need it!! 

In addition, Amber directly hosts virtual retreats and quarterly planning sessions so you’ll work with her there too. 

Our unique Focus Finder weekly accountability and The Modern CEO rewards program does help us track success of participants in our program. Plus when you get stuck you have direct access to Amber via The Hotline to get back on track. 

Because The Modern CEO is tailored to your business and your goals, the ROI is slightly different for everyone. Modern CEOs Amber has worked to achieve a whole range of things, including course launches, rate rises, publishing deals, best selling books, six and multi-six figure launches, growing a team, landing dream clients, and freeing up more of their time. I could go on, but the truth is almost anything is possible: you choose your goals and we do everything we can to make sure you reach them. In short, the question isn’t whether you’ll get a good ROI, but what that ROI will look like.

We commit to you when you enroll in The Modern CEO. When you sign up, we expect you are committing to us for the entire duration of the experience. We are in this together! As a result of us holding space and you receiving access to all of our materials immediately, we do not offer refunds after your first 3 days with us and we expect you to commit for the full timeframe when you join us.

We have a 3 day win-win guarantee because we want to make sure you know you are in the right place. If you go through the onboarding experience and determine our community is not a match for your needs, you can leave and we’ll refund your investment to date with no questions asked. See the full terms and conditions here.

Business owners who want to scale and grow and run their business from a place of leadership are encouraged to join us. The Modern CEO has worked for both product based businesses and service based businesses – web designers, authors, teachers, membership owners, jewelry makers, coaches, consultants, soap makers, and authors are a few examples of business owners who have used The Modern CEO frameworks to get ahead and grow.

You have to make smart investments in your business. If we haven’t answered all of your questions here, absolutely email us – you can find us at amber @ ambermccue [dot] com. (I broke that up so the spam-bots don’t get me!) Myself or someone from The A Team will get back to you asap! Also feel free to chat us up right here on the page! We’ll be happy to connect live during business hours. If we’re away, we’ll get back to you as soon as we’re back at our desks.


An immersive experience for businesses want need strategic collaboration and accountability to implement and increase results and revenue.
$ 625 x 12 Months USD
  • Unlimited access to private, on demand consulting from Amber via The Hotline $4,500
  • 2 Backpocket calls with expert mentors $1000
  • Bonus resources, tools, and templates curated just for you based on your unique plan and goals ($value)
  • 2 Virtual Retreats per year
  • Quarterly Strategic Planning sessions 
  • Monthly Game Plan calls
  • 12 Monthly Open Studios
  • Weekly Focus Finder for ongoing accountability
  • Modern CEO Points & Rewards
  • The Modern CEO Path: CEO Systems, Sales Systems, Client Success Systems
  • 5 Marketing Fast Track Implementation Kits
  • Grow to Seven Behind the Scenes
  • Amber will complete full review of your business playbook: your clear guide for how to build and run your business (template provided) 
  • How to Clone Yourself DIY

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"The clarity I gained...has been invaluable"

I signed up because I liked the material presented in the Planathon as well as the energy of the group. I was mainly looking for accountability when I joined vs. actual training.

Amber showed me how to put myself out there into the world, which created more self-confidence in how I approach my business.

My biggest win is that I’m still moving forwards with the same project instead of being into the third or fourth idea with nothing completed.

Without this support, I would probably have moved on to another bright and shiny thing and never spent the time to really get clear on where I want my business to grow and what my big goals are both for my life and business.

The clarity I gained from staying focused and testing the waters in different areas has been invaluable. It’s made a world of difference to my outlook for my life and business!”

Kelly Christian, CEO

"Worth its weight in gold"

“I signed up because I didn’t want to do another course. Instead I was looking for accountability and encouragement for working IN my business (versus ON it).

Working with Amber is worth its weight in gold.

It’s everything rolled into one: a mastermind, a community, a collective, a sharing.

I love the other women I’ve worked with and the connections I’ve made. I love that it gives me the chance to collaborate face to face, brainstorm for myself and other people and also learn from what others are doing.

The most valuable part was recognizing where I was spending my time versus where I was actually making money didn’t mesh. This pumped new energy into growing the part that was already flourishing (and letting go of something I wasn’t ready to tackle).”

Shannon Caldwell

"I become more confident"

Modern CEO has helped me become more confident as a CEO of my own business. I’ve built a small but mighty team for my agency.


"I successfully launched my programs'

 I have kept my eye on my goals and connected with great people. I successfully launched my writing retreat and Write Your Book Now program!

CALLIE metler-smith

"It changed the way I did business"

I signed up  because I needed a direction and I needed someone to help me with how to map out the chart.

The big picture overwhelms me easily, so having a guide and a real person that would hold me accountable was crucial to me feeling I invested wisely in my business.

To say I appreciate and love Amber’s program is an understatement.

It changed the way I did business. It helped me clean up loose ends, connected me with fantastic business owners, and helped me put my plan together so I had no choice but to succeed.

Talking through my concerns, getting helpful feedback and breaking down the game plan on how to finally make that idea come to life was absolutely necessary to push past my roadblocks.

It was important someone saw it from the business perspective and not the creative perspective – the creative is easy for me. It’s the operation behind the creative that needed to be shaped in order for it to be truly successful.”

Kristen Becker

CEO, Five Dot Design

"I had a $50,000 launch of my program on its first run"

Before working with Amber, I’d just invested $20,000 in a mentorship program that completely disappointed me.

Even though Amber’s program wasn’t near that price point, I was scared to lose my money and be disappointed in tall, undelivered promises again.

I needn’t have worried…

Amber is the real deal. She genuinely cares about you and your business and goes the extra extra mile. And the community is amazing.

The value you get is WAYYY more than the price.

Having Amber and the other members to run ideas with, and get feedback from was huge! With their support, I had a $50,000 launch of my program on its first run!

Rachel Luna

Author, Coach & Founder, Girl Confident

"I gain value in the community"

I gain so much value just by connecting with the Modern CEO community! It’s great to have them as a sounding board to get feedback, ask questions and brainstorm!

BECKY launder

'My go-to for when I'm stuck'

Being in The Modern CEO is like having “coworkers” to help me work through things. It’s my go to for things when I’m stuck and need feedback.

SAMI bedell-mulhern

"I'm now fully owning my role as CEO"

Before I started, I’d been “playing” at owning my own business for the better part of 3 years. While I technically “owned” my own business, in no way was I acting as a good steward of my company and resources.

Fast forward Amber and the crew she has in place and I’m now fully owning my role as CEO of Jen Vertanen & Co. The shifts were subtle as they happened, but one day I woke up and it finally all clicked in place.

Ask anyone – the difference in how I conduct my business is night and day. I make the hard decisions. I delegate the tasks I can do but don’t want to do. I produce financial plans and march towards them with confidence, clarity, and ease.

I know a huge part of it is me being ready to accept the responsibility that comes with being CEO and a huge part of that is having a circle of other amazing CEOs and women to lovingly encourage to step up my game and own, once and for all, my rightful place in this crazy world of entrepreneurship.

This program combines the very best of strategy, planning, taking action, and most importantly, having FUN.

Jen Vertanen

CEO, Jen Vertanen & Co.

"Amber has created a group unlike any I’ve encountered"

I went into The Modern CEO mainly because I needed accountability (for me, that’s a huge factor in the difference between getting things done or my To Do list just multiplying endlessly), but I’ve ended up with far more than that.

Amber and her wonderful team have created an environment and group unlike any I’ve encountered.

It’s not just supportive and helpful for developing that oh-so-elusive clarity and focus in business we all want — which has been amazing in and of itself! — but she also provides you with an incredible level of personalized feedback (not the generic kind that is just repeating anecdotes and formulas that we’ve all read or heard countless times before), as well as carefully crafted monthly lessons, sessions and tools to help you seriously make magic with your business. Not tomorrow, not someday – NOW.

Most importantly, I found  an antidote to the nemesis of all of us hardworking entrepreneurs + practitioners who work so much online: isolation.

When you combine Amber’s amazing business instincts, know-how and skills with her capacity for being a gentle leader, you’ve got a truly unique and special place in which to cultivate your empire, and a whole new way of looking at what your bottom line is REALLY about.

I’ve been in various fields of business for decades, and let me tell you: Amber is a rare find — a true Triple Threat in the business world. She’s driven, smart… and yes, incredibly nice (did I mention that? Seriously!).

Kimberly Arana


Fresh Member


Fresh Member


Fresh Member

"I feel safe to ask for help"

I’m more confident when I talk about my business. I’m also not afraid to ask for help from the awesome community.

Jeri anne cook

'I love having the Modern CEO to talk things out'

I love talking out problems and ideas with a variety of types of entrepreneurs.

Brittany berger

"Helps you get out of your comfort zone"

Amber is personally invested in you and helps you get out of your comfort zone.

Tami Cunningham

"This year is my most profitable year yet"

I was tired of having lots of ideas and plenty of goals but getting nowhere. I knew with some support, accountability, and Amber’s down-to-earth approach, I could turn things around.

I’ve revamped my pricing and offerings, stopped accepting less-than-ideal clients, formalized my proposal and contracting systems, and realized that the best ways for me to make money were right in front of me the whole time.

I’m also on track to make this year my most profitable yet.

If you’re ready to stop spinning your wheels, stop throwing your money at courses you don’t need, and start taking action, this is the place to be.

Amy Scott


"Has given be crystal clear clarity"

This program has given me crystal clear clarity, especially with WHO I need to be to achieve my goals. It’s nice to have a goal but who do you need to be to get there? With starting a new business, I need to be consistent, know what I’m working on, take ownership of my actions, my personal life and businesses. I’m aligned and focused.

Danielle lockni-young

'It keeps me going!'

Amber is my go-to mentor for advice, motivation, or just re-thinking or re-prioritising my plans. The amount of energy, support and love she pours into every member in her community is incredible. It gives me on-going support and check-ins to keep going!

MAGGIE giele

"Sold out my first program in two weeks"

The Modern CEO is there for the long haul. It doesn’t just dump a bunch of knowledge on you and run. It supports the ups and downs that all businesses face and when it was time to re-emerge, I had one of the smartest business mentors in the world to help me relaunch.

One of the biggest realizations this has given me is that all entrepreneurs go through times of doubt and struggle. We all go through periods of working our asses off and totally crashing out.

But being able to be with some people I really admire and have a much more realistic view of what being in business is all about, I re-launched at full steam ahead and sold out my first program in 2 weeks, generated a business plan that will seriously take me to a whole different level, developed the skills to support this growth, and created relationships I can call on for the long foreseen future.

I’ve gone from a dimmed out flame to a lady on fire and having this safe space was definitely a huge part of making that happen!”

Megan Hale


"More than doubled my revenue goal"

I reached my goal revenue target within 4 months of being in business, thanks to the accountability, support and cheering squad.

As I come close to closing out the year, I realized that in the 7.5 months I was in business for myself, I made more money than in the 13 months combined I was at my previous day job.

Conservatively, I will have more than DOUBLED my revenue goal by the time the year ends. And I never would have had the audacity to put out such a big number for the year before working with Amber. AND I’m working full-time for myself and supporting my family.

I learned how to do what I love AND follow the money. Something I would not have had the confidence to do before. For me this meant following my passion for (and years of experience in) sales & marketing psychology while putting another passion of mine – yoga – on the back burner for a while. I’m happy to report that by doing what I love AND following the money, I now have a great strategy in place to make both passions profitable.

Haley Dale

"Some of my best ideas came from masterminding with the community."

In the first year of my business and I knew I needed accountability and support to help reach my goals. I’m pretty sure that without that support I’d wouldn’t have done everything I have so far. This is an all-in-one for starting or building your business, and some of my best ideas this year came from masterminding with the community.

haley dale

Founder of Your Content Empire

"Amber is “80% get it done + 20% fun.”

Danielle laporte


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